Produits Associés

Manga Manhwa Manhua





Desert Prince, Bride of Innocence
Desert Prince, Bride of Innocence

Eleanor, beautiful red-haired witch. I'll give you a kiss so you'll never forget this day—or me.... Eleanor has come to the kingdom of Quaram as an English tutor for the royal family. At the royal party she's invited to, on her twenty-first birthday, she's asked to dance by Jasim, the kingdom's second prince. His gorgeous black hair, his hungry that dreamlike moment spent in his embrace, she falls for him before she realizes it. But little does Eleanor know, even as Jasim passionately proclaims his love for her, he has a dreadful scheme in mind...!

: 4,33 €
: Numérique (lecture en ligne)
Sens de lecture
: Japonais

Acheter les volumes de la série sur Amazon
  • Acheter Desert Prince, Bride of Innocence volume 1 sur Amazon

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