Produits Associés

Manga Manhwa Manhua


No Starch Press



The Manga Guide to Calculus
The Manga Guide to Calculus

"The Manga Guide to Calculus" will entertain you while it helps you understand the key concepts of calculus. The story begins as Noriko, a recent liberal arts grad, arrives at a branch office of the Asagake Newspaper to start her career as a journalist. With the help of her overbearing and math-minded boss Kakeru, she's finally able to do some real reporting. But Noriko soon discovers the mathematical functions behind all the stories she struggles to cover.

: 14,42 €
Nombre moyen de pages
: 224 (Noir & Blanc)
Sens de lecture
: Occidental

Acheter les volumes de la série sur Amazon
  • Acheter The Manga Guide to Calculus volume 1 sur Amazon

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