Produits Associés

Manga Manhwa Manhua


No Starch Press



The Manga Guide to Statistics
The Manga Guide to Statistics

The Manga Guide to Statistics will teach you everything you need to know about this essential discipline, while entertaining you at the same time. Rui is determined to learn about statistics to impress the dreamy Mr. Igarashi and begs her father for a tutor. Soon she's spending her Saturdays with geeky, bespectacled Mr. Yamamoto, who patiently teaches her all about the fundamentals of statistics: topics like data categorization, averages, graphing, and standard deviation. After all her studying, Rui is confident in her knowledge of statistics, including complex concepts like probability, coefficients of correlation, hypothesis tests, and tests of independence. But is it enough to impress her dream guy ? Or maybe there's someone better, right in front of her ?

: 14,42 €
Nombre moyen de pages
: 224 (Noir & Blanc)
Sens de lecture
: Occidental

Acheter les volumes de la série sur Amazon
  • Acheter The Manga Guide to Statistics volume 1 sur Amazon

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