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Manga Manhwa Manhua





The Cinderella Inheritance
The Cinderella Inheritance

A savoir
: Version numérique exclusivement

When the wealthy Alfred Wingate dies, his personal assistant, Cynthia, is utterly confused. He has left her his mansion in his will! Cynthia thought she was in love with Alfred's grandson Graham. But when she finds out he is cheating, she breaks off the engagement. But the terms of the will won't allow her to refuse the inheritance, and she's stuck with the mansion. On top of all this, Graham's brother, Rick, treats her with contempt, believing she tricked his wealthy grandfather!

: 3,61 €
: Numérique (ebook et lecture en ligne)
Nombre moyen de pages
: 144 (Noir & Blanc)
Sens de lecture
: Japonais

Acheter les volumes de la série sur Amazon
  • Acheter The Cinderella Inheritance volume 1 sur Amazon

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