Produits Associés

Manga Manhwa Manhua





The Husband Project
The Husband Project

After seeing her two best friends at her public relations agency get married, Alison feels that something is missing in her single life. She wants to love someone but has no interest in marriage. She just wants a baby to give all her love to. After suddenly landing herself in the emergency room, Alison meets Dr. Logan, a competent doctor with a sarcastic tongue, who, upon her request, agrees to help her make a baby. However, she must marry him in exchange!

: 4,33 €
: Numérique (lecture en ligne)
Nombre moyen de pages
: 129 (Noir & Blanc)
Sens de lecture
: Japonais

Acheter les volumes de la série sur Amazon
  • Acheter The Husband Project volume 1 sur Amazon

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