Produits Associés

Manga Manhwa Manhua





Acheter Saiyuki sur Amazon
(Japon 1997–2002, Etats-Unis 2004–2005)

Having been assigned by the human elders the mission of stopping a mystical plague that has afflicted the Youkai with madness, Genjyo Sanzo assembles his team of Youkai warriors, desperately hoping that the disease will not affect them. He sets up qualifying tests that will help him determine the loyalty and worth of Cho Hakkai, Son Goku and Sha Gojyo. The team then journeys west to rid the land of madness.

: 7,22 €
: 12,5 x 19 cm
Sens de lecture
: Japonais

Acheter les volumes de la série sur Amazon
  • Acheter Saiyuki volume 1 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Saiyuki volume 2 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Saiyuki volume 3 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Saiyuki volume 4 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Saiyuki volume 5 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Saiyuki volume 6 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Saiyuki volume 7 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Saiyuki volume 8 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Saiyuki volume 9 sur Amazon

Séries Liées : d'autres histoires, un même univers.
Saiyuki ReloadAnglais16 ans

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