Produits Associés

Manga Manhwa Manhua


Udon Entertainment



The Big Adventures of Majoko
The Big Adventures of Majoko
(Japon 2004–2006, Etats-Unis 2009–2011)

A mysterious diary in Nana's room becomes a portal to the Land of Magic, home to a little girl wizard named Majoko. The quiet Nana and the not-so-quiet Majoko quickly become friends. No matter how shy she is, Nana can't help but be pulled into Majoko's big adventures !

: 5,78 €
: 12,7 x 18,5 cm
Nombre moyen de pages
: 200 (Noir & Blanc)
Sens de lecture
: Japonais

Acheter les volumes de la série sur Amazon
  • Acheter The Big Adventures of Majoko volume 1 sur Amazon
  • Acheter The Big Adventures of Majoko volume 2 sur Amazon
  • Acheter The Big Adventures of Majoko volume 3 sur Amazon
  • Acheter The Big Adventures of Majoko volume 4 sur Amazon
  • Acheter The Big Adventures of Majoko volume 5 sur Amazon

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