Produits Associés

Manga Manhwa Manhua


Udon Entertainment



Onimusha - Night of Genesis
Onimusha - Night of Genesis
(Japon 2005–2006, Etats-Unis 2006–2007)

Two Onimusha warriors embark on epic adventure. One sets off to overthrow the evil warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The other seeks revenge on a traitor to her clan. These Onimusha warriors' paths are destined to intersect. Will they join forces to save the world from destruction at the hands of the monstrous Genma, or will the Omen Star finally descend and bring unending chaos to the world ?

: 9,36 €

Acheter les volumes de la série sur Amazon
  • Acheter Onimusha - Night of Genesis volume 1 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Onimusha - Night of Genesis volume 2 sur Amazon

Séries Liées : d'autres histoires, un même univers.
Onimusha -Twilight of DesireAnglais13 ans

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