Produits Associés

Manga Manhwa Manhua





Buddha - Softcover -
Buddha - Softcover -
(Japon 1972–1983, Etats-Unis 2006–2007)

Osamu Tezuka tells in eight-volume the Siddhartha’s life and times. The Buddha’s ideas are contextualized; the emphasis is on movement, action, emotion, and conflict as the prince Siddhartha runs away from home, travels across India, and questions Hindu practices such as ascetic self-mutilation and caste oppression. Rather than recommend resignation and impassivity, Tezuka’s Buddha predicates enlightenment upon recognizing the interconnectedness of life, having compassion for the suffering, and ordering one’s life sensibly.

: 10,81 €
Sens de lecture
: Occidental

Acheter les volumes de la série sur Amazon
  • Acheter Buddha - Softcover - volume 1 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Buddha - Softcover - volume 2 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Buddha - Softcover - volume 3 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Buddha - Softcover - volume 4 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Buddha - Softcover - volume 5 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Buddha - Softcover - volume 6 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Buddha - Softcover - volume 7 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Buddha - Softcover - volume 8 sur Amazon

Autres éditions de la même série
BuddhaAnglais16 ans

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