Produits Associés

Manga Manhwa Manhua


Yaoi Press


Boy's Love

Exorcisms and Pogo Sticks
Exorcisms and Pogo Sticks
(Etats-Unis 2005–2006, Etats-Unis 2005–2006)

Orchiee Fairchild the third is an exorcist who hops through the land on his pogo stick purging demonic powers with his living marionette companion, Doodoo. Orchiee's travels brings him to Kingsgoie Lanzbarg University where he meets the beautiful student Philip Gillson, who employs him for a spiritual cleansing. A love affair brews between the two right as strange events start happening at the University. A dark force is raping and brainwashing the male students. It's up to Orchiee and Doodoo to put a stop to it. Also in this book, a story by Kôsen : the new doctor at a French boys' school has his hands full with the beautiful and defiant student Alain. Alain seems only interested in making the handsome young doctor's life miserable, but in time the doctor learns Alain has different motives.

: 10,27 €
: Numérique (lecture en ligne)
Sens de lecture
: Occidental

Acheter les volumes de la série sur Amazon
  • Acheter Exorcisms and Pogo Sticks volume 1 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Exorcisms and Pogo Sticks volume 2 sur Amazon

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