Produits Associés

Manga Manhwa Manhua


Yen Press



Sword Art Online Progressive Transient Barcarolle
Acheter Sword Art Online Progressive Transient Barcarolle sur Amazon
Sword Art Online Progressive Transient Barcarolle

Though the fourth floor of Aincrad was supposed to be only a dreary, dried up riverbed, it's been transformed into a lattice of countless canals! Kirito and Asuna will need a gondola if they want to continue forward...

: 9,40 €
Sens de lecture
: Japonais

Acheter les volumes de la série sur Amazon
  • Acheter Sword Art Online Progressive Transient Barcarolle volume 1 sur Amazon
  • Acheter Sword Art Online Progressive Transient Barcarolle volume 2 sur Amazon

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