Produits Associés

Manga Manhwa Manhua


Youngjin Singapore



Gulliver's Travel
Gulliver's Travel
(Singapour ?, Etats-Unis 2007)

Adult readers recognize "Gulliver’s Travels" as one of the great social and political satires, but young readers can enjoy the book on a different level. It is an amazing journey to strange and far way lands where Lemuel Gulliver encounters with the petty, diminutive Lilliputians, the crude giants of Brobdingnag, the abstracted scientists of Laputa, the philosophical Houyhnhnms, and the brutish Yahoos.

: 10,81 €
Sens de lecture
: Occidental

Acheter les volumes de la série sur Amazon
  • Acheter Gulliver's Travel volume 1 sur Amazon

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